During the month of February, I'm riding the Expresso Bike to raise money to help send kids to summer camp and support the LiveStrong at the Y Cancer Surivor Program. Will you make a pledge for every mile I ride or a one time donation to help support this great cause? If you pledge $.10 per mile and I ride 100 miles, that's just $10! Hope you will support me.
Jen Silvers
# 4243 of 7,635
$0.98 Raised

Challenge Totals

Miles 10
Calories 370
Score 0
$0.98 Money Raised

1 Supporter

Expresso $0.10/mi
  • February 6, 2018

    5.00 Miles
    189 Calories
    0 Score
    5.00 mi in 32:04
  • February 5, 2018

    4.80 Miles
    180 Calories
    0 Score
    1.00 mi in 4:17
    0.80 mi in 3:21
    3.00 mi in 19:21