Joey Rodriguez
Thank you for helping to support the Flushing Y! Every penny helps our members, our community, and the city of New York grow stronger!
Joey Rodriguez
# 527 of 9,565
$100.46 Raised

Challenge Totals

Miles 37
Calories 1,214
Score 500
$100.46 Money Raised

5 Supporters

Martha $1.00/mi
Lkouff $0.25/mi
Expresso $0.10/mi
Lauren $25.00
Susan $25.00
  • February 28, 2019

    8.39 Miles
    256 Calories
    0 Score
    2.36 mi in 12:12
    4.01 mi in 19:45
    1.01 mi in 5:03
    1.01 mi in 5:36
  • February 27, 2019

    10.11 Miles
    306 Calories
    0 Score
    10.11 mi in 50:34
  • February 26, 2019

    11.15 Miles
    316 Calories
    0 Score
    1.02 mi in 5:44
    1.13 mi in 6:50
    9.00 mi in 40:19
  • February 21, 2019

    2.11 Miles
    71 Calories
    0 Score
    1.00 mi in 5:44
    1.00 mi in 4:58