Heather Ladutko
Heather Ladutko
# 1,775 of 3,070
0 of 14 completed

Challenge Totals

Miles 6
Calories 226
Score 0
Redwood Dash
Redwood Dash
1.5 mi
Campus Loop
Campus Loop
2.0 mi
Evening Bliss
Evening Bliss
2.3 mi
Alpine Splash
Alpine Splash
2.9 mi
Billy Goat Falls
Billy Goat Falls
5.3 mi
Moody Ambush
Moody Ambush
5.4 mi
Broken Spoke
Broken Spoke
5.4 mi
Sunday Afternoon
Sunday Afternoon
7.0 mi
Apple Grinder
Apple Grinder
7.0 mi
Oh Mama
Oh Mama
7.8 mi
Stormy Hollow
Stormy Hollow
7.4 mi
Rough Rider
Rough Rider
8.3 mi
12.2 mi
Savage Revenge
Savage Revenge
20.0 mi
  • December 28, 2013

    6.01 Miles
    224 Calories
    0 Score
    6.01 mi in 28:23